UV varnishing, as a way of finishing, represents an added value brought to the printed element, having both the role of being a way of attracting customers through the various visual effects created, and protection against external environmental factors or handling the final product.
In simplistic terms, UV varnishing is the application over the printed document of a thin layer of material made of polymer chains which, under the action of a well-defined amount of ultraviolet radiation, develops strong bonds between them leading to stiffening (drying) of the deposited surface. The above mentioned material can present various degrees of viscosity, and the final product has as attribute different degrees of gloss. Also, the deposition can be selective or global, on the entire surface of the printed sheet.
Our company guarantees to the clients the quality of the works and the delivery of some premium products, due to the modern technologies, to the materials used but also to the experience and seriousness proven over time.